This term we will be singing Faure’s Requiem (1893 version – Oxford), Poulenc Gloria (Salabert) and a new work, The Heavens and the Heart by James Francis Brown.
For those singers who do not already have their own copies of the Faure and/or Poulenc and who have not obtained copies through us during the first two weeks of term, there are the following options:
- to buy one or both scores via Dot’s The Camden Music Shop
- to borrow a copy of the Faure with a refundable deposit of £10. Please note that if you don’t have a Poulenc score, you will need to buy one: we will not have loan copies.
If you have pre-registered for this term and requested music, it has already already been ordered and will be available at rehearsals.
The James Francis Brown music will be available at the rehearsal on 27 September. We are borrowing these scores from the composer and will have to return them to him at the end of term. There will be a £5 refundable deposit so please bring this amount to the rehearsal. Please do not use ink to mark these scores.
The Autumn 2017 costs are summarised below. If you are planning to pay by cheque at the first rehearsal, please note that it should be made payable to HAMPSTEAD CHORUS.
Term fee: £70
Cost of a Faure score: £7.50
Cost of a Poulenc score £7.50
Refundable deposit for borrowing a Faure score: £10
Refundable deposit for borrowing a Brown score: £5