Members of the Hampstead Chorus often ask how we choose the pieces we perform. The straightforward answer is that repertoire selection is primarily a decision for Simon Walton, our Musical Director. He bases his decision on what works he thinks will be suitable for the choir’s resources, the time available for rehearsals, the soloists and orchestral players available and what would make a balanced programme (when we are performing more than one work).
Naturally, Simon always consults the Committee on his choices. First of all the Committee considers whether we think the choir will enjoy learning and performing the work. We also consider whether it is a piece that we (or another local choir) has performed recently and what size of audience it will attract.
We welcome suggestions from choir members and consider all such ideas. As a result of member suggestions, in recent times we have performed James Francis Brown’s The Heavens and the Heart in Autumn 2017 and Stanford’s The Revenge in Summer 2018.
You can make suggestions in person to Simon himself. If you prefer, talk to any member of the Committee who can pass them on. Alternatively, use the form below. This links to a dedicated email address and Simon will see and consider all suggestions sent to this address.