Autumn term began on Wednesday 6th September 2017 but it is not too late to join us. If you are still interested in singing us this term, please let us know via our contact us page.
We are rehearsing Faure’s Requiem and Poulenc’s Gloria for a concert on 9th December. We have performed both pieces before, so some of us with be familiar with the music. Please join us to sing these well-loved works. We will also be performing the London premiere of a new piece, The Heavens and the Heart, by James Francis Brown. Find out more about this piece here.
Members who signed up before the beginning of term have been notified by email of the amounts they are due to pay. They have also been given the opportunity to pay online. If you pre-registered and have not received an email, please check your spam folder or let us know that you have not received the email.
All other singers should bring cash or cheques.
Autumn 2017 costs
Rehearsal schedules
The full rehearsal schedule is available here. All weekly rehearsals are on Wednesdays except for the week commencing 18 September, when we will rehearse on Monday.