Blog – look here for latest news and all term details including rehearsal schedules and practice aids

Blog – look here for latest news and all term details including rehearsal schedules and practice aids2019-07-05T12:17:00+00:00

We post news about our programme and events on our blog pages which can be accessed via this page, via the side bar or by searching using the search tool on each page.

The page for each term contains important information, which is updated regularly:

  • works being performed
  • rehearsal schedule
  • learning aids
  • Simon’s preferred recordings
  • how to buy tickets

We try to signpost a range of learning aids, but it is always worth checking out:

  • Cyberbass
  • Youtube
  • John Fletcher’s site
  • Saffron Choral Prompt – you can order CDs at a modest price from 01799 586269.  You tell them the name of our choir (for a discount); which piece of music and name of publisher; your voice part.  You will receive a useful (though not beautiful) recording of a voice singing your exact line with a piano accompaniment playing the other parts.
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